In this experimentation option, there will be multiple drones that are in the coverage area of the same fixed node. Drones may be stationary, or they may be moving with a certain pattern in the coverage of the fixed node. Multiple drone safety pilots are required before a Part 107 exemption is secured for a single pilot to control multiple drones. This is illustrated with the help of an example scenario in the adjacent figure. Depending on the experiment duration and type, drone tethers can be utilized. Avoiding the collision between multiple drones is a critical performance goal for this setup.
Experiments in this scenario will include but not limited to 1) Resource allocation and scheduling for drone (and ground) users; 2) Resource allocation with an interfering drone node; 3) Resource and scheduling implications of C-V2X Mode 3 (drones communicated through BS) vs. Mode 4 (drones communicate directly) with srsLTE; 4) Multiple drones with no ground BS, forming an ad-hoc/swarm network, 5) Considering multiple drones: resource allocation, interference, and network load/offload. Multiple drones can also facilitate an interesting experiment on testing the connectivity/reliability of the multi-hop UAVto-UAV links. Moreover, due to the lack of fixed and stable infrastructure and various environmental issues, such as bad weather conditions, the deployed UAVs may face random wobbling or fluctuations while hovering over fixed locations. This phenomenon, in turn, can impact the quality of the related links significantly, especially, when multiple UAVs are involved. Though the impacts of the UAV fluctuations are studied in the literature, real-world experiments can provide more insights.
Resource Allocation with Drone Presence
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Drone Ad-hoc Network
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Impact of Drone Wobling
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