This experimental scenario involves communication between a fixed tower and a ground mobile node (e.g., a shuttle, car, or rover), as illustrated in the figure. The mobility pattern of the vehicle may or may not be known to the experimenter in prior. Moreover, a vehicle driver may (e.g., a passenger car controlled by AERPAW personnel) or may not (e.g., shuttles, rovers) be needed.
Example experiments in this scenario include vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications and side-link communications. Experiments can involve two or more SDRs, or SDRs and other equipment (e.g. RF sensors, base stations, IoT gateways/sensors). Similar to UAVs, the UGVs (rovers) will have Pixhawk controllers on them, and hence, experimenters will have the possibility to integrate autonomous trajectory control for experiments that involve UGVs. This makes it possible for a wide range of interesting experiments, where one or more UGVs can individually (or in cooperation) adjust their trajectories based on real-time signal observations.
March 2020: AERPAW rover initial testing in NC State Centennial Campus
Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Experiments
[1] S. Liu, W. Xiang, and M. X. Punithan, “An empirical study on performance of DSRC and LTE-4G for vehicular communications,” in Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. (VTC), 2018, pp. 1–5.
[2] T. Yu, S. Zhang, S. Cao, and S. Xu, “Performance evaluation for LTE-V based vehicle-to-vehicle platooning communication,” in Asia-Pacific Conf. Commun. (APCC), 2018, pp. 15–20.
Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) Experiments
[1] K. Vasudeva, O. Ozdemir, S. R. S. Chandar, F. Erden, and I. Guvenc, “Vehicular LTE Connectivity Analysis in Urban and Rural Environments using USRP Measurements,” arXiv e-prints, p. arXiv:1909.03626, Sep. 2019.
[2] K. C. Dey, A. Rayamajhi, M. Chowdhury, P. Bhavsar, and J. Martin, “Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-infrastructure (V2I) communication in a heterogeneous wireless network – performance evaluation,” Transportation Research Part C – Emerging Technol., vol. 68, pp. 168–184, 2016.
Vehicle Autonomy (V2I) Experiments
[1] L. Liu, Y. Yao, R. Wang, B. Wu, and W. Shi, “Equinox: A road-side edge computing experimental platform for CAVs,” in Int. Conf. on Connected and Autonomous Driving (MetroCAD), 2020, pp. 41–42.
[2] S. B. Al Islam, A. Hajbabaie, and H. A. Aziz, “A realtime network-level traffic signal control methodology with partial connected vehicle information,” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 121, p. 102830, 2020.