A paper explaining the usage model of AERPAW, and tracing it to the requirements and constraints of the platform, was accepted in the IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds (CNERT), organized in conjunction with Infocom 2022. The paper will be presented in May, 2022.
- M. J. Mushi, H. P. Joshi, R. Dutta, I. Guvenc, M. Sichitiu, B. A. Floyd, and T. Zajkowski, “The AERPAW Experiment Workflow – Considerations for Designing Usage Models for a Computing-supported Physical-Equipment Research Platform”, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM CNERT Workshop, June 2022.
AERPAW team has been hard at work on building the new drones. Some photos from the process are included below.