The AERPAW team presented an overview of its platform capabilities and initial results related to national radio dynamic zones (NRDZs) during an NSF NRDZ webinar on March 16, 2022. Presentation slides are accessible here.
In March 2022, there have been several experiments by the AERPAW team to support researchers from UMass Amherst, University of Padova, University of North Texas, and NC State University. The NC State team has carried out several experiments to have air-to-ground propagation characterization with LTE signals at various drone altitudes and locations throughout the AERPAW flying field.

AERPAW team presented their paper titled “Experimental Study if Outdoor UAV Localization and Tracking using Passive RF Sensing” at the ACM WiNTECH Workshop in New Orleans, LA. The workshop was participated by all the four PAWR platform teams, POWDER, COSMOS, AERPAW, and ARA.