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AERPAW Air-to-ground channel sounding and multipath measurement with a UAV

Lead Experimenter

Anil Gurses, North Carolina State University

Link to Dataset

  • Dataset Link: The dataset includes the raw captured signal and metrics from the UAV during the measurement. The SigMF format dataset can be accessed here [link].
  • Source CODE: The source code for the channel sounder and post-processing script can be accessed here [link].

Equipment and Software Used

LPN on LAM, USRP B210, GNSSDO, Channel sounder software written in cython


9 flights on different altitudes and frequencies for channel sounding measurements. 56 Mhz bandwidth Zadoff-Chu transmission as reference during the measurements.


  1. A. Gürses and M. L. Sichitiu, "Air-to-Ground Channel Modeling for UAVs in Rural Areas," 2024 IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024-Fall), Washington, DC, USA, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/VTC2024-Fall63153.2024.10757825.

Representative Results

This dataset includes the raw signal captured for the following measured channel impulse response and path loss below. All the figures below can be generated with the provided GitHub repository.


Potential use cases for this dataset include:

  • Wireless Channel Modeling for UAVs
  • Digital Twins
  • Spectrum Occupancy and RF Environment Analysis
  • Interference Management and Channel Estimation