Panel 1: AERPAW User Stories
Alicia is a graduate research assistant at the University of Missouri, Columbia – USA. She pursued her master’s as a Fulbright Scholar and is currently working towards her PhD in Computer Science. Her research interests include cloud computing, drone video analytics, simulation and emulation environments, and the zero trust paradigm. She has also been working with various NSF-funded testbeds, including Chameleon Cloud, FABRIC, POWDER, AERPAW, and ARA, migrating simulation experiments to real-world use cases and infrastructures.
Fraida Fund is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NYU, with affiliations at NYU WIRELESS and the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT). Her research interests are in computer networks and wireless systems.
Panel 2: Wireless Connectivity & Autonomy for UAVs
Kamesh Namuduri is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and the director of Autonomous Systems Laboratory at the University of North Texas (UNT). Namuduri is named as a “Distinguished Lecturer” by the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society for the term 2023-2025. He is serving as a Vice Chair for “Aerial Communications”, an Emerging Technology Initiative of the IEEE Communication Society, as an Expert Adviser on UAVs, COM/Access Core Standards Committee, IEEE Communications Society, and as a Co-Chair for the IEEE Future Networks Initiative Public Safety Technology Task Force. He is a co-editor for the book titled “UAV Networks and Communications” published by the Cambridge University Press in 2017. He led the Smart and Connected Community project on “Deployable Communication Systems” in collaboration with the government, public, and private organizations. He contributed to the development of research agenda, requirements and blueprints highly deployable communications systems led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and National Public Safety Telecommunications Council.