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FlyPaw: Optimized route planning for scientific UAV missions

Lead Experimenter

Eric Lyons, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Link to Dataset

  • Dataset Link: The dataset includes 1) iperf measurements made from drone to base station using the srsRAN software-defined radio suite at various points around the flying field, 2) telemetry data from the drone, 3) srsRAN logs describing raw radio performance, and 4) state information showing the transition of flight through various phases. The dataset including post-processing code can be accessed here [Dryad].

Equipment and Software Used

USRB B205, GNU Radio, UAV and UGV


We develop and evaluate a dynamic scheduling approach that considers complex tradeoffs between real-time constraints, network availability, and latency sensitivity of the mission. We devise an optimized route planning and data transmission schedule for drone flights. The scheduling algorithm is encapsulated in a novel end-to-end architecture (FlyPaw) and an associated adaptive drone mission control system, which enables deployment and management of an integrated cyberphysical system (CPS) – from real drone testbed to base stations to edge-to-cloud resources. The planning algorithm takes into account measured network communication characteristics, estimated uncertainties of future data link connectivity, and data timeliness requirements of the mission to prioritize candidate decision tree solutions based on a risk metric derived from Sharpe’s ratio.


    Representative Results