Publications with AERPAW


  1. K. Kostage, R. Adepu, J. Monroe, T. Haughton, J. Mogollon, S. Poduvu, R.Mitra, C. Qu, K. Palaniappan, and P. Calyam, “Federated learning-enabled network incident anomaly detection optimization for drone swarms,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), pp. 104 – 114, Jan. 2025.
  2. H. Sun et al., “Autonomous Agricultural Monitoring with Aerial Drones and RF Energy-Harvesting Sensor Tags”, in Proc. Int. Symp. Intelligent Computing and Networking (ISICN), San Juan, Puerto Rico, Mar. 2025.  
  3. D. Lee, O. Ozdemir, A. Ram, and I. Guvenc, “Analysis and Prediction of Coverage and Channel Rank for UAV Networks in Rural Scenarios with Foliage”, submitted to IEEE Open J. Veh. Technol., Feb. 2025.
  4. A. Gurses, G. Reddy, S. Masrur, O. Ozdemir, I. Guvenc, M. L. Sichitiu, A. Sahin, A. Alkhateeb, M. Mushi, and R. Dutta. “Digital Twins for Supporting AI Research with Autonomous Vehicle Networks”, IEEE Commun. Mag., 2025.
  5. A. Jawne, G. Sklivanitis, D. Pados, and E. S. Bentley, “AI-Assisted RF Fingerprinting for Identification of User Devices in 5G and FutureG”, in Proc. NDSS Workshop on Security and Privacy of Next-Generation Networks (FutureG), San Diego, CA, Feb. 2025.
  6. J. Moore, C. Ueltschey, A. Abdalla, V. Marojevic, “Next generation cellular networks prototyping O-RAN enabled UAV experimentation for the AERPAW testbed,” IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol. 63, Iss. 2, pp. 78-84, Feb. 2025.
  7. C. Dickerson, S. Masrur, J. Dickerson, O. Ozdemir, and I. Güvenç, “Impact of Altitude, Bandwidth, and NLOS Bias on TDOA-Based 3D UAV Localization: Experimental Results and CRLB Analysis”, submitted to IEEE ICC Workshops, June 2025.
  8. S. J. Maeng, A. H. F. Raouf, O. Ozdemir, T. Zajkowski, M. Mushi, M. L. Sichitiu, R. Dutta, and I. Guvenc, “Altitude-Dependent Sub-6 GHz Wireless Spectrum: Survey, Measurements, Trends, and Modeling,” submitted to IEEE Commun. Surveys and Tutorials, Jan. 2025.
  9. S. J. Maeng and I. Guvenc, “Altitude-Dependent Cellular Spectrum Occupancy: from Measurements to Stochastic Geometry Models,” submitted to IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2025.
  10. S. Masrur and I. Guvenc, “Bridging Simulation and Reality: A 3D Clustering-Based Deep Learning Model for UAV-Based RF Source Localization”, submitted to IEEE ICC Workshops, June 2025.
  11. M. S. Hossen, A. Gurses, M. L. Sichitiu, and I. Guvenc, “Accelerating Development in UAV Network Digital Twins with a Flexible Simulation Framework”, submitted to IEEE ICC Workshops, June 2025.


  1. Magreth Mushi, Yuchen Liu, Shreyas Sreenivasa, Ozgur Ozdemir, Ismail Guvenc, Mihail Sichitiu, Rudra Dutta, Russ Gyurek, “Open RAN testbeds with controlled air mobility,” Elsevier Computer Communications, Volume 228, 2024.
  2. B. Chatterjee, S. Chaudhari, L. Zhizhen, Y. Liu and R. Dutta, “Wireless Signal Source Localization by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using AERPAW Digital Twin and Testbed,” 2024 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), Thessaloniki, Greece, 2024, pp. 666-671.
  3. S. Kudyba, “Rapid autonomous narrow-band wireless localization via Gaussian process and Bayesian optimization,” MS Thesis, University of Georgia, 2024.
  4. P. S. Kudyba and H. Sun, “Narrowband, fast, and autonomous drone radio mapping for localization,” in Proc. IEEE VTC Fall Workshops, 2024.
  5. P. S. Kudyba, Q. Lu, and H. Sun, “Bayesian Optimization for Fast Radio Mapping and Localization with an Autonomous Aerial Drone”, in Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC), Sep. 2024.
  6. A. E. Morel, Z. Murry, K. Kostage, C. Qu, and P. Calyam, “Enhancing drone video analytics security management using an AERPAW testbed,” in IEEE INFOCOM 2024-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). IEEE, 2024, pp. 1–6.
  7. P. Kudyba, J. S. Mandapaka, W. Wang, L. McCorkendale, Z. McCorkendale, M. Kidane, H. Sun, E. Adams, K. Namuduri, F. Fund et al., “A UAV-assisted wireless localization challenge on AERPAW,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.12180, 2024.
  8. J. Moore, A. S. Abdalla, C. Ueltschey, V. Marojevic, A. Gurses, O. Ozdemir, M. L. Sichitiu, and I. Guvenc, “Advancing Experimental Platforms for UAV Communications: Insights from AERPAW’S Digital Twin”, in Proc. IEEE VTC Workshops, Washington, DC, Sep. 2024.
  9. A. Gürses and M. L. Sichitiu, “Air-to-Ground Channel Modeling for UAVs in Rural Areas”, in Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. (VTC), Washington, DC, Sep. 2024.
  10. A. P. Ganesh, A. J. Perre, A. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and B. A. Floyd, “A mmWave Software-Defined Array Platform for Wireless Experimentation at 24-29.5 GHz”, in Proc. IEEE Military Commun. Conf., Washington, DC, Oct. 2024.
  11. S. J. Maeng, A. H. F. Raouf, I. Guvenc, O. Ozdemir, M. Sichitiu, and R. Dutta, “Key Observations from Altitude-Dependent Sub-6 GHz Spectrum Measurements at AERPAW”, in Proc. IEEE DySpan Workshops, Washington, DC, May 2024.
  12. R. Asokan, O. Ozdemir, I. Guvenc, and M. Sichitiu, “Aerial RF and Throughput Measurements on a Non-Standalone 5G Wireless Network”, in Proc. IEEE DySpan Workshops, Washington, DC, May 2024.
  13. M. Rahman, S. J. Maeng, I. Guvenc, and C.-W. Wong, “3D Spectrum Awareness for Radio Dynamic Zones Using Kriging and Matrix Completion”, in Proc. IEEE DySpan, Washington, DC, May 2024.


  1. S. Zhang, A. Wijesinghe, and Z. Ding, “RME-GAN: A learning framework for radio map estimation based on conditional generative adversarial network,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 10, no. 20, pp. 18 016–18 027, 2023.
  2. C. Qu, “Intelligent orchestration of computation and networking for drone swarm applications,” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Missouri-Columbia, 2023.
  3. A. Grote, E. Lyons, K. Thareja, G. Papadimitriou, E. Deelman, A. Mandal, P. Calyam, and M. Zink, “Flypaw: Optimized route planning for scientific UAV missions,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on e-Science (e-Science). IEEE, 2023, pp. 1–10.
  4. A. E. Morel, C. Qu, P. Calyam, C. Wang, K. Thareja, A. Mandal, E. Lyons, M. Zink, G. Papadimitriou, and E. Deelman, “Flynet: Drones on the horizon,” IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 35–43, 2023.
  5. M. Rahman, S. J. Maeng, C. W. Wong, and I. Guvenc, “3D Spectrum Awareness for Radio Dynamic Zones Using Kriging and Matrix Completion”, in Proc. IEEE DySPAN, May 2024.
  6. A. Gurses, M. Funderburk, J. Kesler, K. Powell, T. F. Rahman, O. Ozdemir, M. J. Mushi, M. Sichitiu, I. Guvenc, R. Dutta, and V. Marojevic, “Demonstration of Joint SDR/UAV Experiment Development in AERPAW“, in Proc. IEEE Military Commun. Conf., Oct. 2023.
  7. M. Drago, A. Gurses, R. W. Heath Jr., M. L. Sichitiu, and M. Zorzi, “End-to-end Full-Stack Drone Measurements: A Case Study Using AERPAW,” in Proc. IEEE ICC Workshops, May 2023.
  8. S. J. Maeng, H. Kwon, O. Ozdemir, and I. Guvenc, “Impact of 3D Antenna Radiation Pattern in UAV Air-to-Ground Path Loss Modeling and RSRP-based Localization in Rural Area“, IEEE Open J. Antennas and Propag., Oct. 2023. [LTE I/Q Dataset]
  9. A. H. F. Raouf, S. J. Maeng, I. Guvenc, O. Ozdemir, and M. Sichitiu, “Cellular Spectrum Occupancy Probability in Urban and Rural Scenarios at Various UAS Altitudes“, in Proc. IEEE Personal, Indoor, Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2023. [Dataset-Rural, Dataset-Urban]
  10. H. Kwon, S. J. Maeng, and I. Guvenc, “RF SSSL by an Autonomous UAV With Two-Ray Channel Model and Dipole Antenna Patterns“, in Proc. IEEE Personal, Indoor, Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 2023.
  11. R. Dutta, I. Guvenc, M. Sichitiu, O. Ozdemir, and M. Mushi, “AERPAW: A National Facility for Wireless and Drone Research“, IEEE ComSoc Technology News, June 2023. 
  12. S. J. Maeng, O. Ozdemir, I. Guvenc, M. L. Sichitiu, “Kriging-Based 3-D Spectrum Awareness for Radio Dynamic Zones Using Aerial Spectrum Sensors”, IEEE Sensors, Feb. 2024. [LTE I/Q Dataset] [Preprint]
  13. S. J. Maeng, O. Ozdemir, I. Guvenc, M. L. Sichitiu, M. Mushi, and R. Dutta, “LTE I/Q Data Set for UAV Propagation Modeling, Communication, and Navigation Research“, IEEE Commun. Mag., Sept. 2023. [LTE I/Q Dataset]
  14. D. Lee and I. Guvenc, “Rank and Condition Number Analysis for UAV MIMO Channels Using Ray Tracing”, IEEE Veh. Technol. Workshops, June 2023. [Preprint]
  15. S. J. Maeng, O. Ozdemir, I. Guvenc, M. Sichitiu, R. Dutta, M. Mushi, and Monisha Ghosh, “SDR-Based 5G NR C-Band I/Q Monitoring and Surveillance in Urban Area Using a Helikite“, in Proc. IEEE ICIT23, April 2023. 
  16. A. H. F. Raouf, S. J. Maeng, I. Guvenc, O. Ozdemir, and M. L. Sichitiu, “Spectrum Monitoring and Analysis in Urban and Rural Environments at Different Altitudes”, in Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. (VTC), Florence, Italy, June 2023. [Dataset-Rural, Dataset-Urban]
  17. H. Kwon and I. Guvenc, “RF Signal Source Search and Localization Using an Autonomous UAV with Predefined Waypoints“, in Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf. (VTC), Florence, Italy, June 2023.
  18. A. Sahin, M. L. Sichitiu, and I. Guvenc, “A Millimeter-Wave Software-Defined Radio for Wireless Experimentation“, in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research using Testbeds (CNERT), Jan. 2023. [60GHz-Dataset]  
  19. S. J. Maeng, O. Ozdemir, I. Guvenc, M. Sichitiu, R. Dutta, and M. Mushi, “AERIQ: SDR-Based LTE I/Q Measurement and Analysis Framework for Air-to-Ground Propagation Modeling“, in Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MO, Mar. 2023. [LTE I/Q Dataset]
  20. S. J. Maeng, O. Ozdemir,  H. Nandakumar, I Guvenc, M. Sichitiu, R. Dutta, and M. J. Mushi, “Spectrum Activity Monitoring and Analysis for Sub-6  GHz Bands Using a Helikite“, in Proc. IEEE Testbeds for Advanced Systems Implementation and Research (TASIR) Workshop, Bengaluru, India, Jan. 2023. [Dataset-Rural, Dataset-Urban]


  1. K. Powell, A. Yingst, T.F. Rahman, V. Marojevic, “Handover experiments with UAVs: software radio tools and experimental research platform,” Proc. 15th ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH), Jan. 2022, pp. 39-45.
  2. A. Abdalla, A. Yingst, K. Powell, A. Gelonch-Bosh, V. Marojevic, “Open-source software radio platform for research on cellular networked UAVs: It works!,” IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 60-66, Feb. 2022.
  3. Jonathan Ryan Tivald, “Protected Region Radio Map Estimation“, MS Thesis, University of California – Davis, 2022.
  4. Martins Ezuma, “UAV Detection and Classification Using Radar, Radio Frequency and Machine Learning Techniques“, PhD Dissertation, NC State University, 2022.
  5. M. Funderburk, J. Kesler, K. Sridhar, M. L. Sichitiu, I. Guvenc, R. Dutta, T. Zajkowski, V. Marojevic, “AERPAW Vehicles: Hardware and Software Choices“, in Proc. ACM Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications (DroNet), pp. 37-42, July 2022. 
  6. M. Mushi, H. P. Joshi, R. Dutta, I. Guvenc, M. L. Sichitiu, T. Zajkowski, Y. Xin, M. J. Stealey, E. L. Scott, “The AERPAW Control Framework – Considerations for Resource Control and Orchestration for a Computing-supported Physical Research Platform”, in Proc. SLICES Workshop: Scientific Instruments to Support Digital Infrastructure Science (hosted by IFIP Networking), Catania, Italy, June 2022. 
  7. T. Samal, R. Dutta, I. Guvenc, M. L. Sichitiu, B. Floyd, T. Zajkowski, “Automating Operator Oversight in an Autonomous, Regulated, Safety-Critical Research Facility”, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Computer Commun. Netw. (ICCCN), June 2022. 
  8. S. J. Maeng, I. Guvenc, M. Sichitiu, B. A. Floyd, R. Dutta, T. Zajkowski, O. Ozdemir, and M. Mushi, “National Radio Dynamic Zone Concept with Autonomous Aerial and Ground Spectrum Sensors”, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun. (ICC) Workshops, Seoul, S. Korea, May 2022. 
  9. M. J. Mushi, H. P. Joshi, R. Dutta, I. Guvenc, M. Sichitiu, B. A. Floyd, and T. Zajkowski, “The AERPAW Experiment Workflow – Considerations for Designing Usage Models for a Computing-supported Physical-Equipment Research Platform“, in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM CNERT Workshop, June 2022. 
  10. K. Du, O. Mujumdar, O. Ozdemir, E. Ozturk, I. Guvenc, M. L. Sichitiu, H. Dai, A. Bhuyan, “60 GHz Outdoor Propagation Measurements and Analysis Using Facebook Terragraph Radios“, in Proc. IEEE Radio Wireless Week, Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 2022.
  11. U. Bhattacherjee, E. Ozturk, O. Ozdemir, I. Guvenc, M. L. Sichitiu, and H. Dai, “Experimental Study of Outdoor UAV Localization and Tracking using Passive RF Sensing“, in Proc. ACM WiNTECH Workshop, Feb. 2022. [Keysight Dataset]
  12. O. O. Medaiyese, M. Ezuma, A. P. Lauf, and I. Guvenc, “Wavelet Transform Analytics for RF-Based UAV Detection and Identification System Using Machine Learning“, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Mar. 2022. [Cardinal Drone Signal Dataset]


  1. A.S. Abdalla, A. Yingst, K. Powell, V. Marojevic, “Open-source software radio performance for cellular communications research with UAV users,” Proc. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf. (VTC2021-Fall), Sept.-Oct. 2021, pp. 1-6.
  2. A. Panicker, O. Ozdemir, M. L. Sichitiu, I. Guvenc, R. Dutta, V. Marojevic, and B. Floyd, “AERPAW Emulation Overview and Preliminary Performance Evaluation“, Elsevier Computer Communications, Apr. 2021. 
  3. O. O. Medaiyese, A. Lauf, M. Ezuma, and I. Guvenc, “Semi-Supervised Learning Framework for UAV Detection“, in Proc. IEEE Personal, Indoor, Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC), Sep. 2021. [Cardinal Drone Signal Dataset]
  4. O. O. Medaiyese, “Signal fingerprinting and machine learning framework for UAV detection and identification.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Louisville, 2021.


  1. V. Marojevic, I. Guvenc, R. Dutta, M. Sichitiu, and B. Floyd, “Advanced Wireless for Unmanned Aerial Systems:5G Standardization, Research Challenges, and AERPAW Experimentation Platform“, IEEE Vehic. Technol. Mag., Mar. 2020.
  2. K. Powell, A. S. Abdalla, D. Brennan, V. Marojevic, R. M. Barts, A. Panicker, O. Ozdemi, I. Guvenc, “Invited Paper: Software radios for unmanned aerial systems,” Proc. ACM MobiSys 2020 – 1st Int. Workshop Open Software Defined Wireless Networks, Jun. 2020, pp. 14-20.
  3. M. Ezuma, F. Erden, C. K. Anjinappa, O. Ozdemir, and I. Guvenc, “Detection and Classification of UAVs Using RF Fingerprints in the Presence of Interference“, IEEE Open J. Communication Society, Jan. 2020. [NCSU Drone Signal Dataset]